Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Morning Must Have: Whole Living Magazine

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo DaVinci

Is it just me, or is it ridiculously hard to find a magazine worth five dollars these days?

I feel like I am stuck somewhere between Cosmo and US Weekly or Redbook and Canadian Living. There just aren't very many magazines targeted to or relevant for the married twenty something crowd, so I am constantly on the lookout for a fun, hip magazine that writes about things my friends and I would be interested in.

My mother-in-law is actually the one who first introduced me to Whole Living: body + soul in balance. She was already a subscriber and bought me my own subscription for Christmas last year, and I'm hooked. I love that one issue of Whole Living features everything from under 225 calorie ice cream taste tests and eco-friendly wall coverings to creating an edible garden and the ultimate beach cover-ups. With a bit of a focus on environmental sustainability and personal well-being, it's fresh and modern take on a women's issue magazine.

Whole Living is available at Chapters Bookstore or online at Whole Living Subscriptions.

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