Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday Morning Must Have: Echinacea Complete Care Tea

"If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease."
-Robert Ingersoll

I'm sick!

I've felt it coming for a few days now, but wasn't hit with its full force until early this afternoon. I hardly have a voice, my throat is on fire and I can't stop coughing... It's not fun at all!

I hate being sick. I hate missing out on things. I hate being confined to my house. The only thing remotely positive about being sick, is that my amazing husband takes such good care of me. He makes me vegetarian "chicken" noodle soup, comes up with delicious juice mocktails, goes to the store to pick up cough drops and best of all, makes sure my cup of tea is continually filled up and warm.

I don't think there is anything as soothing as warm herbal tea when you have a sore throat. Normally, my go to tea is Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime, but I recently discovered the new Wellness tea line by Celestial Seasonings, and they are even better when you're sick. These Wellness teas combine herbs and natural ingredients that are specially designed to support a healthy body, while still tasting great!

Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care Tea looks perfect for the endless colds and flus that seem to go around every season. A blend of echinacea, vitamin C, and zinc boost your bodies natural defenses and help you stay healthy naturally. It's like a warm delicious cup of cold FX! It's also completely natural and is caffeine and gluten free. Just make sure you steer clear of echinacea if you have an autoimmune disease!

Don't forget to take your vitamins... I'd hate for you to get sick too!

Have a great monday!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE is so comforting! I will be addnig that new Celestial one to my other dozen options in my cupboard!


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