Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Morning Must Have: Penguin Classics

"She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain."
-Louisa May Alcott

I have a bit of an obsession with books. I love not only to read, but also to surround myself with books. In my ideal world, I would have one of those amazing two story libraries with the rolling ladders, huge fire place, perfectly broken in chairs and so many books that I would never run out of new things to read!

Thankfully, my husband Chris feels the exact same way about books as I do. We are always on the lookout for new books to add to our collection, and just recently came across these amazing hardcover books. Each classic novel features designs by Coralie Bickford-Smith, a designer working for Penguin. They are only available for a limited time though, so get them while you can!

There are currently twenty books in the collection and include some of my all time favorites: Pride and Prejudice, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Wuthering Heights, Little Women and Alice in Wonderland.

Here are a few more pictures of the beautiful covers:

These books are just so pretty! I plan on getting all of them, and am well on my way with over 10 so far! They look great mixed in with all the other books on the bookshelves, adding their pop of colour, and I would love a stack on my bedside table!

To check out all of the covers available visit Penguin Flickr.

You can order these gorgeous books from Amazon.

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